The Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity (ISAAC) connects the academy, church, and community in a third space to develop Asian American Christianity. Since 2006, ISAAC has advocated for gender equity in Asian American ministries, mentored young faith leaders, and explored other key questions and issues in Asian American Christianity.
We’ve brought together pastors, activists, and scholars in a physical third space to have these conversations. Now, the ISAAC Blog continues this third space online.
You’re Invited to Contribute
We believe that everyone has a voice, and we would love to hear your story and reflection! ISAAC invites you to write for our blog and be a part of this third space.
Just submit your guest post (around 500 to 700 words) to and the ISAAC blog team will review for publication. Feel free to add photos/images by attaching them in the same email as your blog post.
(Note: the ISAAC team reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity. And, you may submit a previously published article elsewhere, and we can link to the original article.)
Topics of Interest
Stories of ethnic identity
Your own faith narrative
Breaking the gender barrier, especially for women of color, in the church and/or the academy
Promoting intergenerational dialogue, especially in Asian American churches
Insights on Asian American Biblical Interpretation
Coalition building with other people of color communities
Strategies to bridge the academy, church, and community
Other topics on Asian American Christianity that you are passionate about!