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God & Race Series at AAWOL Blog

Sep 6, 2021

2 min read

What does God have to say about race? Here are excerpts from a recent series at the AAWOL (Asian American Women on Leadership) blog. Click on the titles to read each of the blog posts.

God & Race: God’s Mirror is Different from My Mirror

… my parents sent us with grandma to church to learn that God had something to say about race. I learned from reading the Bible that numerous different ethnic groups were involved in God’s unfolding plan of redemption. God created people in His image. So then, all races and ethnic groups should have the same equal status and equal unique value! Rev. Melanie Mar Chow

God & Race: Heartbroken Yet Hopeful

I will not hesitate to admit that my role as a mental health counselor as an Asian American woman was difficult to navigate with my own family, where “keeping things within the community” is strongly emphasized and a “blend in to not upset others” mentality is a high priority. These past several months have shown me the extraordinary growth of a community that is finally coming forward to say “enough is enough,” and I see more people within the AAPI community helping others and also learning to ask for help themselves. Jerrica KF Ching

God & Race: Response

… Job’s friends their responses, have you ever listened to them?             Rebuke, surmise, accusation  Observing his life predicament,             Reasoned something must be wrong with him. They, in their response, stayed present with God? Job his responses, have you ever listened to them?             Recognition, surrender, affirmation Emi Iwanaga

God & Race: A Richly Textured Existence

… the Christian social ethic that flows out of my being rests not only on the unparalleled salvific work of Jesus Christ, but also on the incredible relationship he enjoys with his Father and his Holy Spirit. It is because I have found myself embedded in the love enjoyed within the Triune Godhead — because I have discovered the riches of the interrelationships between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — that I believe Christians of all stripes, political convictions, and ethical perspectives have the capacity to deeply listen to, come to understand, and even accord care and respect to the views of others. Tina Teng-Henson

God & Race: Upheaval

When I think about the history of racism in America, the impact of white supremacy locally and globally, the poison of colorism, and the ways in which all these intersect with other social identities… I also remember that this has been a part of the fall of humankind since the beginning. Liz Chang

#AAWOL #race

Sep 6, 2021

2 min read





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