Updates on our grant progress
Thrilled to share some exciting news! ISAAC has been making major progress in the community with recent grants:
Thriving Congregation Initiative (TCI) : ISAAC received a subgrant from Grace Mission University. Led by Young Lee Hertig & Andrew Lee, stay tuned for progress!
City Seminary: Seed funding secured for our Asian American Congregational Leadership Survey. With Andrew Lee, Jerry Park & Young Lee Hertig, we’re analyzing the key pilot survey data.
Leadership Education: Collaborative Coordinating grant for 2024! Project F.U.N. (Females United Network) is underway with the Hispanic Access Foundation & Latin American Bible Institute College. Our first planning retreat was at the St. Paul’s Commons in Echo Park.
American Baptist Home Missions Society (ABHMS): ISAAC received a grant to support the sustainability of our PastoraLab program!