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Reflections on the FTE Retreat: Jinnie Choi

Going to the FTE retreat I did not set any expectations for myself or the retreat.

I went with an open mind to learn and discern my calling into ministry. The different sessions all had something unique to teach. Personally I enjoyed the session on “fearless dialogues” taught by Alisha L. Gordon. She taught us to see what titles in our lives we identified with. I named the four titles that meant the most to me. The titles I identified myself with were Jesus teller, friend, encourager and teacher.

She had us crumble each name one by one according to their importance in our life. The purpose of this practice was so that we could identify ourselves with who we already are in Christ. She encouraged with a quote from Obama stating, “Think less what you want to be and focus on what you want to do.” This helped to lead us to discernment into what we enjoyed doing and what mattered most to us. She ended by saying “There is something about knowing who God called you to be that brings wholeness.”

This workshop helped to open my eyes and see the different parts in my life that mattered the most. The other part of the retreat that spoke volumes into my life was visiting the church “Glide.” I have never experienced such a missional church before. The meeting began by hearing testimonies from some of the church members and leaders and it was amazing. The love they experienced from the church is what blew my mind the most.

They were so focused on providing the needs of the community and sharing love unconditionally. After the speakers gave their testimonies and the pastor shared a-little bit more about the church we all went to the kitchen to serve food to the community. I was speechless by the experience and am praying to see that kind of love within my own home church.

Overall, it was an eye opening experience and I was able to grow a bigger heart to spread the love of Christ. I learned the most from experiencing hands on what it means to love a community by watching glide.

Jinnie Choi was formerly an ISAAC Intern


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