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Words of Gratitude

Dec 6, 2016

2 min read

From: Rev. Young Lee Hertig, Ph.D., Co-Founder/Executive Director ISAAC/AAWOL

“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.” – Hebrews 3:4.

As I reflect on the past ten years with ISAAC/AAWOL, I cannot help but to meditate on God, the builder of all things. Following God’s inspiring whisper, we continue to change perceived obstacles into persistent vehicles, because God is the builder. Working at a 3rd space has taught me just how much effort goes into offering courses at educational institutions, something that I had not learned as a faculty member. My life mantra is to keep learning until my final breath, and I find much joy in doing so. One new thing I am still learning is the art of asking when giving has always been my default position. Therefore, this morning, I want to thank all of you out there who have answered with a resounding “yes” to my asking in the past ten years. Without your partnership, I would have not been able to be innovative.

Thank you to all the sponsors who believe in ISAAC’s mission by investing in us. From the bottom of our hearts, we shoutout “thank you” to you all.

ISAAC fulfills a dream going all the way back to 1981. Then, as a first year seminary student, I faced a Eurocentric curriculum that excluded nonwhite knowledge. These early experiences started me on my journey to champion the cause of bringing Asian American stories and experiences to the theological education. We dare to dream of a 3rd way of delivering a more holistic theological education that overcomes the compartmentalized curriculum and divided traditions.

ISAAC has been a tremendous blessing for my self-understanding of what it means to be an Asian American and a follower of Christ. I trust that God will continue to use this ministry so that others will be spiritually nourished and challenged to step out in faith – as I have been.

Dec 6, 2016

2 min read





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