S4, Ep 7: Why is This Story in the Bible?
Rev. Yena Hwang join us for a conversation surrounding her ordination and explores in depth the stories of the Bible that invokes the...
S4, Ep 7: Why is This Story in the Bible?
Event at Catalyst Center
“Seeing is Deceiving” Sermon by Rev. Dr. Young Lee Hertig
Media Coverage of ISAAC's National Research Survey
S4, Ep 6: Breaking Through Gender & Generation Ceilings
S4, Ep 5: Walking in Mary Li Hsu’s Shoes Legacy
S4, E4: Understanding One’s Agency and Giving Back to the AAPI Community
Asian Exclusion and the Church Event – May 29, 2024
S4, Ep. 3: Discovering Hidden Korean Heritage
S4, Ep 2: Experiencing God’s Presence through Immanuel Journaling