Participants from PastoraLab have been highlighted in a recent piece by Liuan Huska, released by InterVarsity. In a Q&A format, the article delves into the obstacles faced in ministry, discusses the ways to enhance the inclusion of women, examines the significance of theological education, and illustrates how PastoraLab is tackling these issues to boost the visibility of Asian American female faith leaders.
"A lot of the ways community is cultivated is: “Don’t do anything with the opposite gender.” It creates this cycle of men meeting with more men, with more men, making decisions for more men." Leslie Cheng, worship pastor at First Baptist Church in Pasadena, CA
“The reason church leaders are skirting around the issue is they don’t fundamentally feel that conviction. Now the daughters are leaving the church and feeding others. That’s why the church is shrinking. We’re not equipping half our population.” Mary Chiang, Masters of Divinity Student at Fuller Theological Seminary
“When we finally hired a woman pastor, I realized I had never seen a woman pastor in my life. We’ve had a lot of conversations asking questions like, “Why is it that men automatically get pastor titles while women are directors?” Ann Choe, pastor at Epicentre Church in Pasadena, CA