Esther Jacobe is a PastoraLab Orange County cohort member. She is the Co-Area Director in Orange County & South Bay for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
An oyster, in taking in irritants/debris, will eventually form the treasured pearl. I often want the pearl without the work of dealing with the irritants. However, a thriving ministry (the pearl) will not happen without pushing back, questioning, and learning how to work through each of those things.
Over my years in ministry, it was often easier to simply go along with whatever strategies or plans were given to me to run. However, now as a director, I’ve come upon authority and power that can change the culture of the ministry. I have often ignored my discontent in ministry for the sake of peace-keeping, but I’ve realized that peace-keeping serves those in power. The work of peace-MAKING, though full of conflict and chaos, can lead to thriving and lasting change.
With the support of my cohort, I’ve been learning how to tactfully address my discontent, advocate, and lead out my Korean American-ness. I’m still learning how to do this through trial and error and with much grace, but for the time first time, I’m feeling as if this is how God had intended me to be.
Though there have been a lot of challenges, they have been worth it knowing that there will be a pearl at the end of it.