New PastoraLab Cohort Starting in 2022
A new cohort of the PastoraLab program is starting in 2022 with Rev. Dr. Young Lee Hertig and Beverly Chen, a licensed clinical social worker and received her Masters in Social Work from the University of Michigan. She has been providing counseling for over 20 years in a variety of settings including child/adolescent outpatient clinics, Duke University and Harvey Mudd College and is currently in private practice. She has received training as a spiritual director from the Center for Spiritual Development and Loyola Marymount University and has taught courses at Westmont College and Azusa Pacific University. She was a part of Asian American Women On Leadership (AAWOL) and is a contributor in Mirrored Reflections: Reframing Biblical Characters (2010). Her passions include mentoring/coaching, teaching, writing, traveling and savoring diverse cuisines with her husband. She currently attends Free Methodist Church with her husband Chandra Mallampalli, Professor of History at Westmont College.
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